WHEN it comes to food, nutrition, exercise and even dieting, things are simple when you are a man.
There are meals that you need to eat each day to fuel the body, generally determined by the physiological feeling of hunger; there are sports you play or a gym you go to stay in shape, and if you do want to lose a few kilos, you cut back, stop eating so much rubbish and perhaps exercise a little more.
Generally speaking, men approach diet, exercise and weight loss in the same way that they approach life — with a singular focus on what they are doing, no exceptions.
For women, things are generally not so simple. First of all there are emotions to consider that act as powerful drivers over what we eat and when.
Then we have the psychological programming that constantly plays tricks with the mind and sees us strayed by thoughts like; “Oh, but I have been good so I deserve this block of chocolate” or self-justifications of, “Just one last biscuit and I will start fresh with my diet tomorrow”.
And as if battling these two demons is not enough, women also tend to fall prey to other women and find themselves in social situations that revolve completely around food and eating.
So if you know that your thoughts and emotions do get the better of you when it comes to your diet and weight loss attempts, here is how you can eat like the man and reap the benefits.
This means no rationalisations, no excuses, no balancing, and no justifications. When it comes to your daily food and exercise regimen, work towards managing distracting thoughts that may have become a nasty habit over many years of dieting.
When you start to consider different food options that you know you should not be having, or excuses as to why you should divert from your program, practice focusing only on what you know you should be doing to achieving the outcome you are working towards.
If a bloke is eating a salad for lunch, his mates or work buddies probably will not notice but if a girl is seen to be eating lightly, she is far more likely to be confronted with a million questions about what she is eating and why.
The same can be said for exercise programs. Be aware of the influence of others on your daily diet and exercise choices and be prepared to keep strong no matter how much questioning there is, because really, whose business is it anyway?
When it comes to diet and exercise, one of the biggest issues is that we receive so much differing information on a daily basis that it can be challenging to identify what is the right diet and exercise regimen for us as individuals.
So, rather than listen to your friends, your boyfriend, your trainer or the latest magazine article, take some time to really consider the way that you need to eat and exercise to control your weight. Once you have committed to this, it is much less likely you will be distracted by the latest diet headline.
Have you noticed how much more often women are found in the kitchen snacking at work? If you simply focus on eating well balanced meals and snacks at set times throughout the day, the easier you will find it to control your calorie intake and reach the weight goals you have set for yourself.
Asking yourself the simple question of, “Am I really hungry?” can be all that it takes to determine if you are eating out of habit or emotionally as opposed to needing to fuel your body because it is a meal time.
Do you see men baking and bringing treats to work, or organising morning teas? Whether it is biological destiny to feed others or the nurturing aspect of being a woman that sees females focus on food socially, unfortunately this focus also tends to lead to a lot of extra eating that many small women do not need.
It’s rare to see men catching up over coffee and cake.
Whether it is catching up over coffee and cake, meeting for dinner or the energy that gets directed towards detailed menu planning, we are likely to eat a whole lot less if we did not include so much food as part of our daily interactions.
Try catching up with friends over a walk rather than cake or practice not over catering when entertaining because put most simply, the more food that is there, the more we will eat. Rarely do you see boys catching up over beer and cakes.
When was the last time you saw your man give himself permission to drive to the supermarket or service station to purchase a family sized block of chocolate because he had a bad day? Sure, occasionally he may drown his sorrows at the pub but men are far less likely to use their emotions as an excuse to overeat high fat foods.
So next time you are feeling a little low, angry or frustrated, rather than seeking out your favourite comfort food, practice using that energy for something far more conducive to health and fitness. A run, a clean out, or even a few drinks with your closest friends is a far better option that eating an entire packet of biscuits or block of chocolate.