Magufuli’s 50m/- to villages for release next July

IMPLEMENTATION of President John Magufuli’s promise to provide 50m/- to every village for development starts in the 2016/2017 financial year, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Labour, Youth and Employment, Anthony Mavunde said here yesterday.

He told the National Assembly that the procedures on the best way of distributing the money were being prepared by National Economic Empowerment Council (NEEC) together with Regional Administration and Local Government.
The deputy minister was responding to a question by Halima Bulembo (Special Seats-CCM) who wanted to know when the promise would be implemented and at what percentage of the amount would be reserved for the youths.
She had earlier explained that Tanzania was among countries with more youths, in particular 72 per cent of Tanzanians were under the age of 29 years, according to the report by the office of the National Statistics of 2013.
The youthful lawmaker pointed out that employment to the youths was the only solution for them to serve the nation. She, therefore, wanted to know the government’s strategy to empower the youths into entrepreneurs through provision of capital and loans. Mr Mavunde said the government has put in place several strategies to ensure the youths become entrepreneurs and qualify for loans.
The strategies, according to the deputy minister, include identification of the youths and their needs at different levels as well as provision of entrepreneurship training to different youth groups.
He further said that the government would implement the National Strategy for Skills Improvement aimed at provision of internship training for graduates from higher learning institutions.
The MP for Buyugu on Chadema ticket, Mr Kasuku Bilango, wanted the government’s commitment to distribute the money fairly to all citizens, saying there were rumours that only members of the ruling CCM in the villages will benefit.
However, the Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office (Policy, Parliamentary Affairs, Labour, Employment, Youth and the Disabled), Ms Jenista Mhagama, dismissed the sentiments as mere worries, saying all legal procedures would be followed.
She pointed out that the money was the president’s promise during his campaign for the presidency and would be distributed to all the citizens regardless of their political ideologies.
It was recently reported that the government plans to use 811bn/- in the next five years to implement the president’s promise and it has started to engage various stakeholders on how best to accomplish the task.
NEEC Executive Secretary Beng’i Issa said that the money would be released in three phases within a period of five years. She said the funds would first be released to banks before being channelled to various groups like Village Community Banks, SACCOS and Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) in the country according to agreed arrangement.
The plan shows that the exercise would commence in 10 regions with less financial services. The regions include Singida, Lindi, Mtwara, Mbeya, Shinyanga, Geita, Kagera, Dodoma, Rukwa and Ruvuma.